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  • What is the schedule of your season?






  • Do I have to have experience building robots or coding?

No, you don't need any experience.  We will teach you everything you need to know and you will learn a lot about technology, coding, friendship, strategy, and good sportsmanship.

  • What is the game for this season?

It is called Rover Ruckus, but we won't know any more details until September.  Here is the teaser for this year's game:









  • What is the size of the robot?

The robot is about the size of a microwave oven.  Also, it can way no more than 42 pounds including the battery, although most robots do not weigh that.

  • What is FTC (First Tech Challenge)?

It is a program designed for 7th - 12th graders where they are challenged to design, build, program, and operate robots.  FTC has had a huge impact, over 86% of students have more interest in doing well in school and over 87% are more interested in college after participating in the program.

  • Will there be support and help from mentors?

Yes, there will be mentors that work with the students to work together and create a robot to solve a real-world problem.


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